Pernah tak while driving kamu terserempak dgn
seorang Pakcik yg dah berumur, driving an old BMW berapa series saya tak tau.
Driving slowly in the fast lane like a boring old man
(such the expression might says "come on, give me one damn hot girl and I'll cheer up!)
This Pakcik probably out during his lunch hour,
nowhere to go.
The main thing is
I was also driving, already cilok mencilok
and was successfully potong that Pakcik.
This happen at Jalan Parlimen on the way to Jalan Semantan, KL.
While driving I was humming the Adele song and
suddenly I nampak that old-BMW-with-bored-driver was right behind me!
Terkejutnya saya!
Rasanya saya dah bawak kereta laju-laju dan cilok-cilok dah!
Macam mana Pakcik boleh selamba je follow belakang saya?
That's what I called MAGIC!
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